How to Setup an AquaCorals Reef Tank
Items Needed

If you want a tank like mine above (220g #1 - pic taken 2009), below is a list of items & equipment needed to setup my AquaCorals Reef System. It does not include the PVC pipe & parts needed to plumb. That is addressed under my articles "How To Plumb". Again, if you do what I do, using the same equipment & supplies I do, you will duplicate my success!!
Click on the item links below to go to that product page for even more details about & purchase info for them.
Tank & Stand - I highly recommend a 75g MIN! 220g+ BEST!! See my article "Tank Selection" for details!
Overflow Box Sets: I use the following:
75g to 90g - Use 2 PF 800
110g to 125g - Use 3 PF 800
150g to 220g - Use 3 PF 1000
265g to 300g - Use 4 PF 1000
NOTE on the PF 1000 overflow box sets - Do NOT use the 2 U tubes included. Purchase a single 1.5" U tube & use only 1 per overflow box set.
Sump Water Pump: 10x per hr turnover MINIMUM. Example: 75 gal tank x 10 = 750 GPH at the top tank rim!
Skimmer: Choose one that more than satisfies your min system gallons (include sump) example: 75g + 25g sump = 100 gal system
Heater: Size - Min 3 watts per gallon (be sure to include approx sump gallons & round up the total gallons) - more watts is better as the heaters don't have to run as long. We use at least 2 heaters for redundancy in case one fails.
Thermometer: Use a glass floating thermometer alone or to back up & dial in digital equipment
Powerheads: (2) are always used on the tank ends - (1) for Left end) & (1) for Right end). The others are for the tank back glass center to front glass:
3 Ft Tanks use (3) total MJ Pro 600 - (1) for back glass
4 Ft Tanks use (4) total MJ Pro 900 - (2) used for back center to front
6 Ft Tanks (up to 18 inches front to back wide) use (2) MJ Pro 1200 (L & R ends) & (2) use MJ Pro 900 for back center to front
6 Ft Tanks (over 18 inches front to back wide) use (4) MJ Pro 1200 - (2) used for back center to front
Initial powerhead Placements:
Wavemaker: Optional – normally attached to our powerheads, they create random water flow inside tank to simulate the ebb & flow of ocean current.
Though no longer made the Red Sea Wavemaker Pro is my all-time favorite & used exclusively here at AquaCorals. You can sometimes find them used for sale on Ebay etc.
RO Water Filter: MUST have - strips impurities/contaminants out of our water source.
RO Float Valve: To expand RO Automation, i.e. auto top-off/evaporation replacement & saltwater mix containers
Salt: IO Reef Crystals - Reef Salt
Refractometer: Measures the amount of salt in your water I do NOT recommend Hydrometers as they rarely, if EVER give a correct reading! This is too important to risk! Get a Refractometer & protect your livestock investment!
Reef Lighting: LED, T5, Metal Halide, VHO Flo - All good & very critical to keeping corals!
Ground Probe: Removes stray electrical current protecting you & your livestock!
Sump Tote: Largest to fit under stand!
Live Rock: 1 Lb per gallon of tank MINIMUM. Do NOT go as much as 2 Lbs per gallon or you'll end up with water displacement = more rock than water in your tank!
Sand: Bottom: Carib Sea Oolite Ocean Direct Live (live/wet) Reef Sand 40 Lb Bags - 3 - 4 inches
Sand: TOP: Carib Sea AragAlive (live/wet) – 1 - 2"
How Much Sand To Use:
Tanks with a floor dimension of:
48" x 18":
Bottom Sand = 4 Bags of 40 Lb Oolite Ocean Direct Live Reef Sand
Top Sand = 3 20Lb bags of AragAlive "Special Grade"
48" x 24":
Bottom Sand = 5 Bags of 40 Lb Oolite Ocean Direct Live Reef Sand
Top Sand = 4 20Lb bags of AragAlive "Special Grade"
72" x 18":
Bottom Sand = 6 Bags of 40 Lb Oolite Ocean Direct Live Reef Sand
Top Sand = 5 20Lb bags of AragAlive "Special Grade"
72" x 24":
Bottom Sand = 7 Bags of 40 Lb Oolite Ocean Direct Live Reef Sand
Top Sand = 6 20Lb bags of AragAlive "Special Grade"
You will also need:
Tank Glass Scraper
Reef Carbon & Polyfilters - to help remove organic & chemical contaminants
Mesh Bag - to hold your carbon media
Additional powerhead to stir your new saltwater container - I recommend the MJ600 or MJ900
Hose to perform water changes - - I recommend the Python Hose but do not use any attachments - just the hose only