Coral Trade-In credit can only be used towards the Regular Purchase Price of my TR Soft Corals.
At this time any corals you would like me to consider for trade must be submitted via e-mail with pics & description. My frag tanks are full with production at an all-time high! Only rare or corals I don't offer are being considered right now.
Corals WANTED & will receive the most $ at this time: Branching or Plating SPS, LPS & Softs including ALL Xenia types, Ultra Orange Palys & Zoos, Colorful Mushrooms on rock (Greens, Reds Blues), solid Neon Orange or Green Zoos etc. Others beyond this list will be accepted too. Again, e-mail me with pics & descriptions.
How To Make Qualifying Baby Corals...
Make Some $ & Support your Reef Addiction....Umm I mean Hobby. :0)
A wonderful result of a thriving reef tank is that your corals will GROW...right out of your tank if left unchecked. At some point you'll be forced to harvest some of that growth. Instead of throwing away what you cut, make babies & make $! Bring in your baby corals based on the guidelines listed below & buy anything you like in the store whether live or dry goods. :0) You'll also be helping to save a reef!
Rock bases must be at least 3 inches ALL corals. Do NOT use terrestrial or man-made/artificial rocks.
Mushroom rocks need 2+ polyps per rock & not glue dependent! Must be tissue attached.
Polyps such as Zoanthids & Cloves need a minimum of 5+ polyps per rock
Soft corals must be a minimum of 3+ inches (branching or matting species), fully tissue attached, binders removed & not glue dependent.
Corals with nuisance algae, macro algae &/or aptasia will not be accepted
Monies must be used at the time the corals are brought in.
The above guidelines have been established for the success of every hobbyist who buys our corals. Given the large amount of water flow inside our tanks, smaller rocks easily tumble. Corals not tissue attached will many times detach during shipping. Let's make those babies & show people what "Made In Maine" quality is all about! :c)
Rubble Rock: I have inexpensive rock that can be purchased then broken to make your own rubble to mount your cuttings on.
Got coral frags?...but don't want to take up the space or the time & hassle to mount? Bag them up, bring them in & receive $ for each! Note: ALL coral frags must be fully healed to be accepted.
For those looking to try their hand at propagating I offer free "How To" advice. :0)
Unmounted Coral Frags Available For Sale!
Unmounted coral frags are also available for purchase in-store! Colorful SPS, Mushrooms, Zoanthids, Polyps and more. Come in & check them out! :0)