How to Setup an AquaCorals Reef Tank
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220g #1 - 4 Yr Growth Documentation

Some stores may have pretty looking reef displays but have you ever noticed how corals & fish seem to disappear, only to have been replaced with something new the next time you visit?
At AquaCorals you'll see reef displays & systems that not only maintain the corals & fish they hold but they actually GROW! The thriving corals pictured below are some of the parent corals of which cuttings are taken, baby corals are made & sold here!
Below I've documented the first 4 years of setup & growth of my #1 220g tank at AquaCorals (now almost 19 years old!). This tank has a 6+ inch sand bed with approx. 220 Lbs of rock (which is the "filter") and is setup & operated exactly as I've outlined in my "How To Setup an AquaCorals Reef Tank" located on the right hand navigation bar here. Today this tank is illuminated by Maxspect Razor LED lights but in these pictures below I was running a Hamilton metal halide consisting of 3 250w 10K True mogul type halide bulbs complimented with 2 6 Ft 165W VHO actinics. A total of 1080 watts = 4.91 WPG. Check out the progression of growth in the subsequent pictures & note the same corals & fish - just growing and growing and...
Picture 1: 1/2006 - This tank is a brand new setup (though a couple large corals were taken from other running systems & placed in here). Take particular notice of the top center Toadstool and compare it with the other pictures below!
Picture 2: 6/2006 - The Toadstool has quadrupled! Check out the Top left Sinularia cut almost in 1/2! This second picture also shows that I purchased a MUCH better camera. :c)
Picture 3: 10/2006 Note there are 2 Blue Crocea Clams in the tank now - even with 2 Pygmy Angels!! One is easily seen left of center on the bottom - lower right of the Green Star Polyps. This pic also shows the introduction of a Metallic Green Bubble Tip Anemone located on the left end under the Red Colt coral. Watch the pictures below & see how it moved so slightly & grew!
Picture 4: 1/2007 One Year OLD!! Both Crocea clams still there & in this pic you can see the second one - far right end center of the rocks to the left of the Xenia. :c)
Picture 5: 6/16/2007 I've been cutting the corals for a while but this pic shows the most recent cut on the top center Toadstool - entire right side removed!
Picture 6: 10/1/2007 Note the same top center Toadstool. You can't even tell I cut it just a couple months before!! This tank is now a jungle!! :c)
Picture 7: 4/21/2008 Note the Crocea Clams still there!! Now the same Toadstool was cut across the entire front & now filling back in!
Picture 8: 5/23/2008 Top center Toadstool - picture taken minutes after making massive left & right side cuts!
Picture 9 : 1/27/09 - 220g going into night time mode. The center halide light is off in this picture. Note the complete re-growth of the top center toadstool! Believe it or not this coral was cut top & bottom after the above 5/23/08 pic. I just didn't get pictures then. Almost all of the corals in this tank have been cut multiple times since the above picture too. Just phenomenal growth! Look how ginormous the Bubble Tip Anemone has gotten! Notice all the same fish are still here as pictured above. This tank is 3 years old in this pic. Happy Birthday 220g! :c)
Picture 10 : 4/1/10 - Note the very large anemone is gone (sold) and a new one is happily sitting in it's place. The clowns are very happy with their new home too. :c) The Desjardini Sailfin Tang pictured center finally outgrew her home in this tank & was donated to the New England Aquarium in Boston early 2016. If you visit there she can be seen in their 5200 gallon Indo Pacific tank. I had her 18 years.
For long term success ... Have confidence in the system I recommend as well as your purchases at AquaCorals!