How to Setup an AquaCorals Reef Tank
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Pump Parts List
DEP Certified Spreading Maine

DEP Excel Document of Certified Spreading Throughout Maine
Be prepared to have your mind blown at the extent of sludge spreading that has occurred in Maine, for so long (since 1980!) AND by so many different people - even just in Fairfield!
The link below allows you to download a Microsoft Excel document which is a DEP record of all sludge (& fly ash I believe) spread throughout the State of Maine including land area, dates etc.
The Fairfield info is found on the bottom tabs under "Kennebec Sanitary TD". There is also some under "Scott Paper-SD Warren" but I don't see anything listed for spreading in Fairfield ... info not complete or ... interesting... ???
There are NO safe levels of ANY PFAS chemicals
NONE !!!