Green Polyp Flat Crown Toadstool Soft Corals

toad-flat-grpolypGreen Polyp Flat Crown Toadstool Soft Corals


A beautiful green color form of one of my oldest Toadstools, the Green Polyp Flat Crown Toadstool soft coral is truly unique, not only in it's green polyps but also in it's super thin cap which tends to ruffle layer as it gets larger!  Tons of fine polyps give it a fuzzy appearance which almost makes you want to cuddle this one!  This soft coral is super hardy & tolerates well low positions in a tank.  Strong lighting will increase the green in it's polyps.

First picture above - the lights blushed out the color for the camera but are brilliant green in person.  The second pic is the regular Flat Crown parent to show you what this green version will look like when more developed.

EST 2021

Parent is in 75g-2

Soft Coral Size Guide:  Corals sized in inches are based on the largest size of the coral expanded whether in width or height = the amount of room it will need in your tank.

Soft Coral Color Guide:  Example - Base color "Green"

"Green" = shows it's green color mostly under actinic blue lighting

Neon "Green" = glows green under actinic blue lighting

Ultra "Green" = bright or deep green under full daylights!

Toxic "Green" = glows green under full daylights!

Metallic = the color has a metallic sheen to it.

Tank raised soft corals are much easier to keep than wild soft corals, maricultured soft corals and hard corals.  My aquacultured tank raised soft corals are grown from parent soft corals grown on location so are truly acclimated to thrive in an enclosed environment - your tank.  Remember, like wild soft corals, aquacultured tank raised soft corals offer many benefits to reef fish like hiding places or perches and even sleep spots!

Sensational soft corals add beautiful form, color and movement to a reef tank - soft coral flowers in your "ocean garden"!!

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