Soft coral Polyps come in a wide variety of colors and shapes as seen below.  They make a wonderful rock cover, adding pops of color and form on rocks between your taller soft corals.  You can also take pieces & mount them on your overflows, returning pipes & more to add an awesome visual affect.  Don't be afraid of them!  Some would say soft coral polyps will take over a tank.  I say, ANY coral can take over a tank!  We just need to get in our ocean garden at times and thin them out if they go where we don't want them to.  :c)

Soft coral Polyps come in a wide variety of colors and shapes as seen below.  They make a wonderful rock cover, adding pops of color and form on rocks between your taller soft corals.  You can also take pieces & mount them on your overflows, returning pipes & more to add an awesome visual affect.  Don't be afraid of them!  Some would say soft coral polyps will take over a tank.  I say, ANY coral can take over a tank!  We just need to get in our ocean garden at times and thin them out if they go where we don't want them to.  :c)

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