PFAS Blood Testing Information
Your PCP should be able to order the test (Quest quest test code: 39307. It’s called PFAS exposure panel.). Maine General lab (& other places, confirm with your PCP) can take your blood sample which is then sent to Quest Lab.
Please note: PFAS enters our bodies in many different ways & every person has some level of PFAS in them. Seeing a level in your blood doesn't necessarily mean your well is contaminated but if your blood test is high or you live near a possible sludge spread area ... get your well tested.
Below is the story of a Maine Farmer & his family's blood levels - must watch short video - click the pic
This is a must read to learn what other ways PFAS enters our body!
You'll be shocked! Click the picture to read...
There are NO safe levels of ANY PFAS chemicals
NONE !!!
PFAS Removal Filters
GAC (carbon) Filters & Add-on RO Filters
Pictured here is a Fairfield resident's recently installed DEP GAC filter. (DEP funded & installed by Air & Water Co.)
When a person's well tests 70ppt or higher for 2 PFAS chemicals, PFOA & PFOS (individual or combined) the DEP will install what's known as a "Lead - Lag" carbon filter system. Lead - Lag means the "Lead" tank is the first one to receive raw water from the well. From there it goes into & through the "Lag" carbon tank. The purpose of this is to have time to catch any PFAS breakthrough on the Lead tank before it gets through the Lag tank & consumed by us. The DEP will be testing these systems periodically to ensure there is no (or under 70ppt for now) PFAS breakthrough. If they test high numbers coming out of the Lead tank, they will swap tanks & put the Lag tank in the Lead position & change out the carbon on the old Lead & place it in the Lag position.
Question is ... is this GAC filter alone enough? The answer is NO!
PFAS is a class of "Forever Chemicals" containing thousands of different ones - none of which to my knowledge are safe to drink!
There are 2 categories of PFAS chemicals: Long Chain & Short Chain
PFOA & PFOS are both Long Chain PFAS. Many of our wells have multiple other PFAS chemicals. Some testing high too including Short Chain PFAS which GAC filters do NOT remove them all!
So what do we do? For now ... install an RO (Reverse Osmosis) water filter post (after) the Lag GAC.
Sadly, the DEP refuses to install RO filters for us because their GAC filters remove the PFOA & PFOS - at least to 70ppt.
Still unsatisfactory as NO PFAS is safe to drink in ANY amount!! NONE!!
When the DEP contacted me in 10/2020 to test my well, I already had a DEP installed GAC system due to a previous MTBE contamination issue. In my business however, I was already using an RO water filter over 20 years to protect the sensitive coral livestock I work with (home based biz - this main website - AquaCorals Reef Aquariums). When I was tested in 10/2020, my GAC & RO were both over 6 years old without any servicing & trust me when I say, I go through ALOT of water due to my business! When my DEP test results came back, I was shocked to see that my old GAC/RO system was still working & providing ND = ZERO PFAS! (Test Results After RO) Problem was sadly, I wasn't using the RO water for our home and the Short Chain PFAS numbers were VERY high (Test Results After Lag).
An RO is not a whole-home solution (meaning PFAS FREE water out of every tap - which we are demanding!) It's limited to an RO faucet & fridge if it has ice &/or water. An RO is SUPER important because it WILL remove PFAS that makes it through the GAC filter. THIS is what's most important right now! PFAS FREE water! I do NOT recommend drinking your GAC filtered water unless EVERY PFAS listed on your test results after your GAC installation show ND = Non Detect. EVERY water specialist I know (quite a few) has an RO in their own homes & so do I since my test results!! I ran out & bought one for home/for myself, family, & pets! To prove my points, below is my GAC system which includes:
#1 = 10" sediment prefilter (removes heavy materials)
#2 A = Iron targeting water softener
#2B = Salt/brine tank for softener
#3A = Lead Gac
3B = Lag GAC
#4 = the RO (Reverse Osmosis) final water filter which I have running to a special RO faucet at my kitchen sink AND to my fridge ice/water
My RO water pressure tank:
#1 = RO water IN to tank
#2 = RO water OUT of tank
#3 = RO water to kitchen sink RO faucet
#4 = RO water to fridge Ice/water
It may look like alot going on but it's simple to install. I did this myself!
My ISpring RO water faucet.
Fills glasses & pots for cooking fast! The left lever allows you to turn it on & walk away as it fills your container. The faucet that comes with the RO drinking water kit I recommend (below) is a pain because you have to keep pressing a lever for water to come out AND it said "low lead" on the package which was a NO go/use so I went on Amazon & found this one. I love it. Below I provide more info on my RO & the links to where I purchased them.
My 10/2020 DEP water test results here:
Test Results After Lag GAC
(Note the 1st 2 PFAS are WAY high = Short Chains)
Test Results After RO
(Short Chains gone!!)
So, in a nutshell, this all boils down to getting us truly PFAS free water to drink. Sadly, the DEP installed GAC filters aren't giving us that so we're forced to purchase our own RO water filters ... for now. Save your receipts.
I sell the RO unit I use myself. The ISpring RO faucet I purchased through Amazon for the reasons I mentioned above. I researched for weeks, talking to different RO MFG's, distributors, water specialists for the absolute best RO I could use for myself & recommend to others. It ended up being what I was already using & selling for my reef aquarium customers was the very best. Even Bob Bowcock (water specialist with Erin Brockovitch) said his home RO was setup the same components as mine. For me, my water test results provided proof positive & it should work the same for you.
The RO water filter I use. It can be purchased on this website:
I do not use the faucet included in the kit. I purchased & use the below ..
The RO faucet I use is on Amazon. This faucet is installed beside your current faucet.
Click the picture to go it's Amazon page.
RO water filters remove good minerals as well as bad which also decreases the alkalinity of the pure water it produces. There are reports this is not good for our bodies that need to be alkaline. By simply installing this re-mineral cartridge on the blue pure water line it replaced the good minerals removed & makes the water more healthy for consumption. I also noted that my plants like the re-mineral RO water better than straight RO water so a win-win for them too! I did extensive research & found bought this cartridge on Amazon (made in the USA) by iSpring & it works fantastic! Click the cartridge image which will take you to it's product page on Amazon.
There are NO safe levels of ANY PFAS chemicals
NONE !!!
DEP Excel Document of Certified Spreading Throughout Maine
Be prepared to have your mind blown at the extent of sludge spreading that has occurred in Maine, for so long (since 1980!) AND by so many different people - even just in Fairfield!
The link below allows you to download a Microsoft Excel document which is a DEP record of all sludge (& fly ash I believe) spread throughout the State of Maine including land area, dates etc.
The Fairfield info is found on the bottom tabs under "Kennebec Sanitary TD". There is also some under "Scott Paper-SD Warren" but I don't see anything listed for spreading in Fairfield ... info not complete or ... interesting... ???
There are NO safe levels of ANY PFAS chemicals
NONE !!!
DEP Cost Reimbursement Form
Below is the link to download the DEP's "vendor form". This is the form to use to submit receipts for water & other purchases you've made related to your confirmed PFAS contamination. I suggest making a copy of your receipts & send in the copy with the form (make a copy of the form too). Keep the original receipts. If this or the procedure changes, I'll update it here.
Molly at the DEP wrote me this:
Wed 1/27/2021 2:20 PM
Please send your invoices, the total amount requested for reimbursement, and associated proof of purchase receipts to Sherrie Kelley here at the DEP - #17 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0017. As I have stated before, we are currently developing the procedure for processing these claims, so I ask that you remain patient with us as we formalize this process. Sherrie will receive your claims and get back to you if she needs additional information at this time.
I have attached our “new vendor form” which you and your mother will need to complete and send to us with your receipts/documentation.
Best Regards,
Molly King, Director
Division of Technical Services
Bureau of Remediation and Waste Management
Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Phone: office (207) 287-7166, cell (207) 458-8839
There are NO safe levels of ANY PFAS chemicals
NONE !!!
This map allows you to see where the DEP has tested water wells for PFAS in Fairfield, Maine.
Click the picture or text link above. Once at the DEP map you can zoom in & out just like Google maps.
Red dots = test results in are above 70ppt.
Green dots = test results in are below 70ppt. & deemed "safe" (unless ALL PFAS are ZERO we do NOT feel it's safe to drink!)
Light blue dots = test results not in yet.
Gold lines indicate (I believe) land sludge application areas. I don't believe they represent every land area that has or may have had sludge or fly ash applied. I will get more info on this & update this page.
There are NO safe levels of ANY PFAS chemicals
NONE !!!
There are NO safe levels of ANY PFAS chemicals
NONE !!!
The DEP (Dept of Environmental Protection) had previously used the Federal EPA health advisory of 70ppt as a drinking water action level for PFAS chemicals PFOA & PFOS (combined or individually). Now with the new Maine MCL (Maximum Contamination Limit) of 20ppt, water tests above 20ppt should receive a GAC water filter system at no cost from the DEP. Those below 20ppt are deemed "safe" by the DEP.
We affected residents as well as many scientists do NOT agree!!! Only ZERO PFAS is safe!!
This page, though focused on the PFAS contamination epicenter (highest numbers known at the time this is written) which is Fairfield, is meant to provide everyone in Maine with quick access to pertinent contacts, forms and general PFAS information. The information provided here is not legal advice but rather important resources so you can help yourself - become informed & get connected with those of us also battling this horrific issue. Use this resource at your own risk & discretion. If you identify any incorrect information, please do e-mail me immediately. These pages are a work in progress so check back frequently for updates.>
Note: Any "numbers" given in ng/l measurement need to be multiplied by 1000 to get the ppt measurement (i.e., based on the new 20ppt MCL)
Numbers given in parts per billion are multiplied by 1 million to get the ppt measurement.
Click the text links below...
DEP & Other State Agency Contact Info
Water Testing Lab Info for Private Testing:
This is the link to the lab. They are familiar with the situation in Fairfield. It's best to call them and they will get the correct test kit sent out.
A & L Laboratory - Auburn, Maine: 207-784-5354
PFAS Water Filters - DEP Issued & RO Add-ons
DEP Excel Document of Certified Spreading Throughout Maine
DACF Milk Test Results - Retail-Farm Tests 2021
Maine PFOS Deer Study Report 2.8.22
Our Media Efforts - Getting the horror story Out There!
WABI TV CH 5 - 2 part "Special Report"
Part 1:
Part 2:
WCSH Newscenter Maine CH 2 & 6: ""
Check back soon! More info is coming!
Other Questions & Contacts:
There are NO safe levels of ANY PFAS chemicals
NONE !!!