Sample LED Light Schedule

The below is a suggested program for the original Razor LED light units but it's also good to follow for any type LED lighting that allows each LED color channel to be adjusted independently.  This is just a sample/a place to start.  The start & end times can be whatever you want it to be.  We want to run about a 12 hour lighted photo period (12 hours lights off & 12 hours lights on).  This schedule's power intensity should change according to the corals you keep - soft corals vs SPS etc.  It will work for both but SPS may need a higher power intensity.  The depth of a tank being a big factor as the light has to be stronger/higher power level for deeper tanks.  Bottom line, your corals will tell you by their color & growth if they're happy or not.  Just adjust if necessary.  Adjustments should be made slowly for SPS but soft corals can take full adjustments at any time.

To start, I always recommend considering what time of day you actually get home & get to enjoy your tank.  For me it's about 6pm when I finally sit & I like to see full daylight so I can check on everyone to be sure they're happy etc.  Then I want to see it start the sunset phase  - which is what the below schedule is set to do for me.  Base this schedule on what you want to see when you're home to see it.  Most important thing is that the tank gets at least a certain length of time in the full color spectrum - (Razors run 100% both channels.  Others like the Hydras etc. up to 80% power) a min of 6 hours - the below is set at 7 hours but you can play with this.  Also, the below is set for moonlights.  I personally don't do moonlights, no value unless you're a night owl & want to see what comes out to play at night.  If you don't care about moonlighting then just set TP 1 & TP 6 to zero to make the tank go fully dark through the night.

Lastly, TP = time change set points & A = all the "white"channels & B = all the "blue" channels

TP 1 = 8am – A 0 % & B 1% (moonlights)

TP 2 = 10am – A 50 % & B 100% (sun rising)

TP 3 = 11am – A 100 % & B 100% (full sun start)

TP 4 = 6pm – A 100 % & B 100% (full sun end)

TP 5 = 7pm – A 50 % & B 100% (sun setting)

TP 6 = 9pm – A 0 % & B 1% (moonlights)

Military time:

1 am - 1
2 am - 2
3 am - 3
4 am - 4
5 am - 5
6 am - 6
7 am - 7
8 am - 8
9 am - 9
10 am - 10
11 am - 11
12 am - 12 = Noon

Noon = 12

1 pm - 13
2 pm - 14
3 pm - 15
4 pm - 16
5 pm - 17
6 pm - 18
7 pm - 19
8 pm - 20
9 pm - 21
10 pm - 22
11 pm - 23
12 pm - 24

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